Managing Change and Adoption for GitLab Migration

Successful GitLab migration extends beyond the technical and operational adjustments; it encompasses managing the human side of change. This involves preparing, supporting, and helping individuals, teams, and the organization make the transition.


Develop a Change Management Plan

Begin with a thorough change management plan that outlines strategies for managing the various aspects of change associated with the migration. This should include communication plans, training programs, and mechanisms for feedback. A well-structured plan helps in anticipating challenges and addressing them proactively.


Engage Users and Address Resistance

Identify potential sources of resistance and develop strategies to engage skeptical or reluctant users. This might involve one-on-one meetings, Q&A sessions, or showcasing the benefits of GitLab SaaS through demos and success stories. Utilizing champions or early adopters within your teams as advocates for the change can also help in alleviating concerns and encouraging wider adoption.


Adopt Change Management Strategies

Utilize change management strategies such as conducting guided training sessions, organizing workshops, or webinars that allow users to learn in a structured environment and ask questions in real-time. Incorporate real-world examples and common use cases into training materials to enhance relevance and applicability.


Best Practices

  • Utilize Champions: Leverage early adopters within your teams as advocates for the change.
  • Interactive Training: Provide hands-on training sessions and interactive labs to help users get comfortable with the new platform.
  • Continuous Feedback: Implement mechanisms for continuous feedback and use this feedback to adjust training and support programs as needed.

By managing change effectively and encouraging adoption, you can ensure a smooth transition to GitLab SaaS. For a comprehensive guide on change management and adoption strategies, download our free “Guide to GitLab Migrations” from this landing page.

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