GitLab Services

Consultation / Strategy / Implementation
Group 58
Group 14-2

NextLink Labs' Approach to GitLab

Using a world-class DevOps platform like GitLab can transform the way your software organization runs. Understanding the tool and adopting enterprise-grade best practices will ensure your investment in GitLab is used to the fullest.

Whether you are a new adopter of GitLab or an experienced organization who just needs an extra hand, our industry experience will make your initiatives successful. 

Free 30-day Trial of GitLab

No credit card required.

  • Increase Operational Efficiencies
  • Deliver Better Products Faster
  • Reduce Security and Compliance Risk

Used by more than 100,000 organizations from around the globe:



GitLab Accreditation

Nextlink Labs is a GitLab select vendor and we have been working with GitLab since the inception of its partner program. Below are the services we can provide around your GitLab instance and operations.


NextLink Labs is Your Accredited GitLab Select Partner

Championing Industry-Leading Expertise with Fully Certified Professionals & Trainers

Welcome to the heart of GitLab proficiency—NextLink Labs. Since the beginning of the GitLab partner program, we've been an integral part of the journey as a proud Select Partner. We've spent an astounding number of  hours immersed in GitLab tools, honing our expertise and fostering innovation. (More than 525,000 combined hours incase you're a numbers person.)

Our exclusive partnership with GitLab affords us the privilege of conducting comprehensive trainings, enriching both GitLab and its customer community. We've been at the forefront of every development, change, and new strategy GitLab has introduced. When it comes to GitLab, if it exists, we've seen it, and if it's new, we're among the first to understand it.

Our blog is a testament to our passion and commitment, where we share insights, updates, and our personal takes on everything GitLab. We're not just observers—we're active participants, shaping and responding to the world of GitLab.

Explore our spectrum of GitLab services designed to optimize your operations and instance:

Remember, we're not just service providers, we're your partners in progress. Ready to take your GitLab experience to the next level? Contact us today and let's shape the future together.


new NLL creds

GitLab Solutions


GitLab Migration

As a GitLab Partner, we proudly offer GitLab Migration Services to help your organization seamlessly transition to the GitLab platform. Whether you’re new to GitLab or transitioning from self-managed to SaaS, our experienced team of experts works closely with you to minimize downtime and position your team. So you can unlock the full potential of GitLab's powerful features.


GitLab Accelerator

Our GitLab Accelerator service is designed to help your organization rapidly adopt and maximize the benefits of GitLab’s comprehensive suite of DevSecOps features. No matter what tier your organization is on, our team of certified GitLab experts will work closely with your team to develop a tailored plan to get the most out of the GitLab features available to you.
Pipeline Buildout

GitLab Pipeline Buildout

Our team of certified Gitlab Professional Services engineers can do the heavy lifting the help build out your CI/CD pipelines. No matter what your application stack or SDLC process, we will build customized pipelines using industry best practices. By using our internal IP and extensive experience, our team will save you time and money over doing this work yourself.

Gitlab Self-Managed Upgrades & Installation

Stay Ahead of the Curve With NextLink Labs' GitLab Version Upgrade Service. Our team of experts will ensure a stress-free, seamless upgrade experience, so you can focus on what matters most. With our expertise, you can be confident that your software management processes will run smoothly and effectively, allowing you to achieve better results. Upgrade with confidence, upgrade with NextLink Labs.


Managed Service

GitLab Managed Service

If you are looking for all the benefits of a self managed GitLab instance without the operational overhead of hosting it, our GitLab Managed Service is for you. This service hosts GitLab in our cloud on dedicated hardware, while we oversee all the installation, upgrades, maintenance, and other operations. 

GitLab Licenses

Ultimate - 

As GitLab Select Partners, we can offer GitLab Ultimate licenses. They are the top-tier solution for organizations looking to optimize delivery, manage priorities, and maintain the highest standards in security, risk, and compliance. Available in both SaaS and self-managed deployment options, GitLab Ultimate offers a comprehensive set of features designed to elevate your business.

Experience advanced security capabilities, risk mitigation, compliance management, portfolio management, and value stream management with GitLab Ultimate. Boost your license utilization with unlimited free guest user licenses, perfect for users who require minimal interaction with the system.

As an Ultimate customer, you'll also enjoy priority support. Embrace the power of GitLab Ultimate and transform your organization's performance today.

Premium - 

As GitLab Select Partners, we can offer GitLab Premium licenses, perfect for growing organizations and multi-team collaborations. Designed to optimize team productivity and cooperation, they're utilized in SaaS and self-managed deployment options to suit your needs. Experience accelerated code reviews, advanced CI/CD, enterprise agile planning, and robust release controls with GitLab Premium.

Upgrade to GitLab Premium to ensure your self-managed instances are prepared for any situation with enterprise readiness features like High Availability and Disaster Recovery.

Choose GitLab Premium and unlock the potential of your organization today.




GitLab Trainings

Invest in your team's success and boost their skills and productivity with our in-depth, expert-led  GitLab training courses, each tailored to address specific features. Explore our offerings and kickstart your journey to mastery today.

GitLab with Git Basics

Master the fundamentals of Git and GitLab to streamline your version control workflow. This course teaches essential concepts, such as creating repositories, branching, merging, and resolving conflicts, providing a solid foundation for any GitLab user.

GitLab CI/CD

Accelerate your software delivery process with our GitLab CI/CD course. Learn to create and manage pipelines, automate testing, and deploy applications seamlessly with GitLab's powerful CI/CD features.

GitLab Security Essentials

Protect your projects and maintain compliance with our GitLab Security Essentials course. Gain insights into vulnerability management, security scanning, and best practices to keep your code and infrastructure secure.

GitLab Project Management

Enhance your project management capabilities with our GitLab Project Management course. Discover how to efficiently plan, track, and manage projects using GitLab's built-in tools, such as issue boards, milestones, and time tracking.

Git Up and Running with GitLab

Perfect for newcomers or those seeking a refresher, this course guides you through setting up and navigating your GitLab instance. Learn how to create and manage projects, configure settings, and collaborate effectively using GitLab's intuitive interface.

Relevant Case Studies

How a DevSecOps plan led to a business breakthrough
The software driven organization purchased GitLab, but they soon found that their team was not set up to implement the technology and the processes that the business needed to succeed.
GitLab referred the software driven organization’s Senior Software Development Manager to NextLink Labs to help the business get on track.
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Accu-Trade Partners with NextLink Labs to Power-up its Digital Trading Platform and Achieve DevOps Excellence
The company is the market leader in their industry. They found tremendous success by prioritizing feature development for over 20 years, but they were also saddled with technical debt. After being acquired, the new CTO stepped in and decided to hit pause on their digital innovation initiatives. Too many issues were occurring in production and they needed to catch up. 
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Contact us about our GitLab Services